Holy Trinity

Church Of England VA School

01706 378061

Partner School

Our Core Values - Trust, Courage, Forgiveness, Truthfulness, Generosity, Respect, Responsibility.

 Welcome to our class information page. Here you will find all the relevant information for our class routines, helpful websites and any necessary links for home learning. Leading the teaching in Year 3 is Mrs Earnshaw with some support from our class TAs Mrs Henderson, Miss Jenkins and Miss Hartley. We will also be supported by volunteers Mrs Lambert and Mrs Fryer. Below you will find our welcome letter which contains all the information you should require and a copy of our weekly timetable.

Weekly overview (What to bring and take home)

Please bring in your book bag and water bottle every day.

Monday – Come to school in your PE kit and bring your swimming kit with you.

Friday –  Homework given out to be completed by the following Friday

               Spelling Test.



In Year 3, it is very important that your reading and homework is completed on time.

  • Spellings  will be given out on a Friday and tested the following Friday.
  • English and Maths homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be completed by the following Friday.

Reading books are changed as your child finishes their book. Simply place the book that needs changing in the tray alongside your reading record and it will be changed asap. If you require 2 reading books please write this in your child's reading record.


Homework teaches our pupils to work independently and take responsibility of their own learning. We encourage all parents to have an active role in their child's education through homework which in turn will give you an insight into your child's learning and progress.

Children will be given English and Maths homework every week This will always be something we have already covered in class from a previous week and so your child should be able to complete this independently. If for any reason your child is unable to complete their homework or does not understand it, please let me know by Monday. I will always take the time to go through any misconceptions they may have with their work.  

We expect the children in Year 3 to read a minimum of 3 times a week. Reading is so important as it builds self-esteem, vocabulary and feeds the imagination! This only needs to be a handful of paragraphs with some questions asked about their understanding of the text. Reading must be recorded your child's reading record and handed in at school. 



Please make sure your child brings their PE kit into school on a Monday and Wednesday. Some of our P.E. lessons will take place outside so please provide your child with an outdoor kit as well as their indoor one.


Mrs E Makes it easy!


There's lots of opportunity to practice your spelling and Maths on Mrs Earnshaw's You tube channel. New videos added very week! Don't forget to 'like' the videos!




Please find below a times table poster. Children must know all their times tables by the end of Year 4 and will take a statutory test at the end of this year group. Therefore we must prepare them as soon as possible. Please print this if you wish to.

Useful websites


Here is a list of websites your child may find useful to support their learning and safety online







Please find below all the words children in Year 3 and 4 and expected to be able to read, write and spell. Again please print out if you wish to.