Welcome to Year 3!
As we begin our learning together; let's have a look at all of the exciting learning taking place.
We will enjoy reading George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl and writing a character description of the horrible Grandma in the story! We will also write instructions for how to make our own marvellous medicine. We will also read 'The Twits' and work on letter writing, imagining that we are Mrs Twit! Finally, we will learn all about the author Roald Dahl and write a report about his life. We will learn lots of new vocabulary when reading these texts and alongside our daily level 6 phonics and weekly guided reading there will something for everyone to enjoy this half term!
We will begin the year with place value. Looking at the value of each number and how it can change depending on the place it is in. We will also learn column addition and subtraction. Alongside this work we will be recapping over our 2,5, and 10 times table and hopefully beginning to learn the 3 and 4 times tables.
We will explore the countries of the UK and Europe. Naming countries, capital cities and finding these places, alongside where we live on a map. We will explore the highest mountain and rivers in our country and explore the physical and human features of Geography in our area. |
In Autumn 1 we are learning all about 'Light'
Our Learning Objectives are:
- To explain the role of light sources.
Working scientifically To plan and draw a results table. - To compare light reflecting on different surfaces.
- To recognise which materials cast a shadow.
- Working scientifically To ask testable questions and plan how to answer them.
- To summarise how shadows change throughout the day.
- Working scientifically To evaluate a method.
- To investigate how the distance of the light source affects the size of its shadow.
- Working scientifically To find patterns in data and form conclusions.
- To tell a story using shadow puppets. Science in action
- To recall how different people work with light and shadows.
Our Christian Value in R.E. this half term is TRUST. We will be thinking about this at all times and discussing experiences we have. We will share how we can serve God by always believing in ourselves and others to become a good citizen. We will talk about how we can can show trust when working and playing hard. We will discuss what it means and what qualities Jesus would like us to have in order to be a successful with this value.
In class we will be learning:
The main aims of this units are: What do Christians learn from the Creation Story?
Make sense of belief:
- Place the concepts of God and Creation on a timeline of the Bible’s ‘big story’
• Make clear links between Genesis 1 and what Christians believe about God and Creation
• Recognise that the story of ‘the Fall’ in Genesis 3 gives an explanation of why things go wrong in the world
Understand the impact:
Describe what Christians do because they believe God is Creator (e.g. follow God, wonder at how amazing God’s creation is; care for the Earth – some specific ways)
• Describe how and why Christians might pray to God, say sorry
and ask for forgiveness - Make connections:
• Ask questions and suggest answers about what might be important in the Creation story for Christians and for non-Christians living today.
In Art we will be enjoying some sketch lessons. We will learn how to sketch flowers and create a flower using the process 'frottage' We will explore how artists use shape and textures to create their images. Another skill we will learn is shading to create tone
In Design and Technology we will be creating decorated felt pouch.
Use a cross-stitch to join two pieces of fabric together.
Design and cut the template for a pouch.
Use cross-stitch and appliqué to decorate a pouch face.
Make a pouch that includes appliqué and cross-stitch.